Our Story

A passion-driven journey from a single client to a leading care provider, founded on the vision of quality and intimacy in support services.

Eaton Alliance “came to pass” in 2004, created by two brothers, Dave and Jimmy Eaton, who were raised in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.

Both brothers relocated to Utah in their young adulthood, and at the coaxing of a dear friend of theirs who wanted better services for her autistic son, Eaton Alliance was created, with a single client in its services.

Dave was an eccentric, idealistic musician-armchair psychologist-poet and kindergarten teacher (for children with autism) and Jimmy was an effervescent, entrepreneurial and enterprising business dude.

The Eaton brothers didn’t set out to build a voluminous client roster, however, as they began experiencing awesome strides with their original client, their unique ideals and visionary methods caught the attention of the caregiving community. Before long, friends and colleagues within the industry began urging them to take on more individuals. With a resolute pledge to themselves, their one client, and to any future client who would come into their care that they would adhere faithfully to their small provider intimacy and mindset, the Eaton brothers relented, and exponential growth began.

Their chief desire was (and remains) to be a provider that they would be comfortable having their own loved one supported by. This standard included:
The agency’s approach to behavior management (positive reinforcement— enveloped in brotherly love and clearly-defined parameters, and choices inside these parameters).
The cleanliness, aroma and condition of the home.
The caliber and character of the staff providing care.
The accessibility and frequency of communication and dialoguing between the leadership and executives.
The appeal, meaningfulness and frequency of activities the client ventured out on with staff.
The integrity and quality of the paperwork.
In short, Eaton Alliance was striving (and still is) to envisage and actualize the highest quality provider possible, with a sustained commitment to providing an intimate, empowering and progressive environment for its clients and staff. Far from perfect, Eaton Alliance has made marked progress towards its original objectives.

So they grew (and still grow), organically and accidentally. Jimmy left the Eaton Alliance ranks for more lucrative pursuits. In 2006, Todd Thueson, the drummer in Dave’s band and all-around great guy with an accounting background, bought Jimmy’s share of Eaton Alliance. Todd brought equanimity and temperance and diplomacy and prudence to the Eaton Alliance table.

Eaton Alliance serves hundreds of individuals with myriad disabilities (although half of their consumers are on the autism spectrum). They will continue to grow and expand as long as they feel they’re maintaining their original goals and ideals of being a provider that serves individuals with disabilities at an optimal level. They will continue to strive to be the kind of provider that they would entrust their own loved ones to.

Mission statement

We, the people of Eaton alliance, individually and collectively connect, converge, concur and come together regarding the shared purpose of establishing a premier provider supporting people with intellectual disabilities. We will accomplish this ideal by empathetically guiding, empowering and encouraging our people to push through their current safe boundaries, and to become increasingly self-determined, accountable and self-reliant. Our caretaking approach, forged through years of extensive research and decades of firsthand experience, includes holding firm, principled and personalized parameters rooted in consistency, respect, and brotherly love. We desire to improve and enrich the lives of each and every soul whose path we cross while engaged in the vineyard of this work. We assert that laboring alongside intellectually disabled individuals is a bona fide privilege. It is a sacred charge of inestimable import. Therefore, we will make great efforts to create the caliber of provider we would entrust our loved ones to.

Our Team

Dave Eaton
Dave Eaton
Todd Thueson
Todd Thueson
Emily Maxwell
Emily Maxwell
Executive Director
Sydnee Funk
Nathan Leishman
Associate Director: Salt Lake County
Oliver Booth
Oliver Booth
Associate Director: Utah County
Allie Lee
Allie Lee
Medical Coordinator/Client Information
Clayton Thueson
Clayton Thueson
Client Finance
Bekah Lee
Bekah Lee
Kim Loyola
Kim Loyola
Corporate Finance
Gail Eaton
Gail Eaton
Medicaid Coordinator
Destiny Pedro-Smith
Destiny Pedro-Smith
Host Home Coordinator
Amy Sudbury
Amy Sudbury, BCBA
Lilian Adolphson
Lilian Adolphson, BCBA-D